Rick Hernandez
Audio Engineer
Originally from Brooklyn, NY, Rick started his live audio fascination back in 1984 as part of his Jr. HS Production crew. After completing a Recording Arts program at the Center for the Media Arts in NYC 1992, Rick started his professional career at a rehearsal, backline/ audio rental house. For the next couple of decades he would hone his skills in audio, backline and live productions at a couple of NYC area rental companies which eventually landed him at One Dream Sound in 2010. At One Dream, not only did he increase his audio knowledge, but was also brought into the world of industrial, theatrical, lighting, and video productions. Today, as part of the SDN crew, he is expanding his knowledge into full broadcast productions as well. Rick owns his own AV Company specializing in audio/visual installations for Houses of worship, as well as being a member of the ACT IASTE.